Marketplace-Dependencies / rabbitmq-for-laravel by wajdijurry

RabbitMQ for Laravel & Lumen Frameworks
Package Data
Maintainer Username: wajdijurry
Maintainer Contact: (Wajdi Jurry)
Package Create Date: 2021-05-01
Package Last Update: 2023-10-25
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-04-14 15:01:00
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 79
Monthly Downloads: 0
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 0
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

RabbitMQ Package for Laravel & Lumen Frameworks


Its purpose is to initiate workers (consumers) and to send "sync" and "async" requests to another queues or exchanges.


composer require jurry/laravel-rabbitmq


  1. Register this package into your AppServiceProvider:

    class AppServiceProvider {
        public function register()
            $this->app->singleton(\Jurry\RabbitMQ\Handler\AmqpHandler::class, function () {
                return new \Jurry\RabbitMQ\Handler\AmqpHandler(
                    env('JURRY_RABBITMQ_HOST'), // host
                    env('JURRY_RABBITMQ_PORT'), // port
                    env('JURRY_RABBITMQ_USERNAME'), // username
                    env('JURRY_RABBITMQ_PASSWORD'), // password
                    '\App\Services', // classesNamespace, where the consumer will look for to process the message with targeted service class
                        'sync_queue' => [ // Sync queue options, will be used when declare the queue
                            'name' => 'stores_sync',
                            'message_ttl' => 10000,
                        'async_queue' => [ // Async queue options, will be used when declare the queue
                            'name' => 'stores_async',
                            'message_ttl' => 10000,
    • You can change the parameters as wish you need
  2. Register your custom command by adding your created class to the $commands member inside the app/Console/Kernel.php file:

    class Kernel extends ConsoleKernel
         * The Artisan commands provided by your application.
         * @var array
        protected $commands = [
            // ...
        // ...
  3. Start new workers:

    php artisan amqp:sync_worker
    php artisan amqp:async_worker