it-devgroup / laravel-setting-lite by it-devgroup

laravel setting lite
Package Data
Maintainer Username: it-devgroup
Maintainer Contact: (Gavoronok30)
Package Create Date: 2021-05-11
Package Last Update: 2023-02-16
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-04-26 03:00:34
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 318
Monthly Downloads: 1
Daily Downloads: 0
Total Stars: 0
Total Watchers: 3
Total Forks: 0
Total Open Issues: 0

Install for Lumen

1. Open file bootstrap/app.php

Uncommented strings


Added after $app->configure('app');


add new service provider


2. Run commands

For creating config file

php artisan setting:publish --tag=config

For creating migration file

php artisan setting:publish --tag=migration

For generate table

php artisan migrate

Install for laravel

1. Open file config/app.php and search

    'providers' => [

Add to section



    'providers' => [

2. Run commands

For creating config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Providers\SettingServiceProvider" --tag=config

For creating migration file

php artisan setting:publish --tag=migration

For generate table

php artisan migrate

Next steps install for laravel and lumen

1. Create seeder file if not exists for settings. In the created seed file, you need to add a static method (for example, public static function data()). The method must return an array of standard to fill the database

2. Open config file config/setting_lite.php and add this class and method in exists parameters

'data' => [
    'class' => SettingTableSeeder::class,
    'method' => 'data',

Command for sync settings

php artisan setting:sync

Custom model

Step 1

Create custom model for setting


File: app/CustomFile.php



namespace App;

class CustomFile extends \ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Model\Setting

If need change table name or need added other code:


namespace App;

class CustomFile extends \ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Model\Setting
    protected $table = 'YOUR_TABLE_NAME';
    // other code
Step 2

Open config/setting_lite.php and change parameter "model", example:

// replace
'model' => \ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Model\Setting::class,
// to
'model' => \App\CustomFile::class,
Step 3

Use custom \App\CustomFile model everywhere instead of standard model \ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Model\Setting

Usage function

Usage function for get setting value



Initialize service

$service = app(\ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\SettingServiceInterface::class);

or injected

// use
use ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\SettingServiceInterface;
// constructor
public function __construct(
    SettingServiceInterface $settingService

further we will use the variable $service

Get types for render on UI

$array = $service->getTypes();

Get groups

Only saved groups from table of settings

$array = $service->getGroups();

List of settings

All settings

$eloquentCollection = $service->getList();

Settings with filter. All filter parameters not required

$filter = (new \ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Model\SettingFilter())
// or

$filter = (new \ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Model\SettingFilter())
$eloquentCollection = $service->getList($filter);

Settings with sorting

$eloquentCollection = $service->getList(null, $fieldName, $ascOrDesc);
$eloquentCollection = $service->getList(null, 'key', 'ASC');

Setting by ID

$setting = $service->getById(1);

Setting by KEY

$setting = $service->getByKey('SETTING_KEY');

Setting create

$setting = \ItDevgroup\LaravelSettingLite\Model\Setting::register(
    'test value',
$setting->options = ['val1', 'val2'];
$setting->is_public = true;

Setting update

$setting = $service->getById(1);
$setting->value = 'test value';
$setting->options = ['val1', 'val2'];
$setting->is_public = true;

Setting delete

$setting = $service->getById(1);


For test need phpunit

vendor/bin/phpunit vendor/it-devgroup/laravel-setting-lite