fitztrev / query-tracer by fitztrev

Backtrace database queries
Package Data
Maintainer Username: fitztrev
Package Create Date: 2016-05-09
Package Last Update: 2016-05-22
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-04-18 15:02:57
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 16,798
Monthly Downloads: 113
Daily Downloads: 2
Total Stars: 229
Total Watchers: 8
Total Forks: 5
Total Open Issues: 2

Laravel Query Tracer

Build Status Latest Stable Version

Find exactly where a specific database query is being called in your Laravel application.

Want to optimize or debug your database queries but not sure where they're being called? See how it works below with Clockwork:

If you use Debugbar, it has this functionality built-in if you set debugbar.options.db.backtrace to true.


  1. Install via composer:

    composer require fitztrev/query-tracer
  2. Add the service provider to your config/app.php:

    'providers' => [
        // ...

How does it do it?

It makes use of Laravel's global query scopes to do a backtrace and find where a query originated. Then it puts that info in extraneous but helpful WHERE clauses.

By default, it's only enabled when debug is on. You can change this behavior for specific models by adding an enableQueryTracer() method to your model(s). For example:

public function enableQueryTracer()
    return config('app.env') == 'local';