corex / lmodel by corex

Laravel Model (generator, constants, preserved lines, phpdoc)
Package Data
Maintainer Username: corex
Maintainer Contact: (CoRex)
Package Create Date: 2017-05-22
Package Last Update: 2020-09-26
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-04-17 15:07:48
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 5,806
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Total Stars: 6
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Total Open Issues: 1

CoRex Laravel Model

Laravel Model (generator, constants, preserved lines, phpdoc).

Auto-generate models with constants, preserved lines, phpdoc, etc. for Laravel 5.

Versioning for this package follows Backwards compatibility might break on upgrade to major versions.

Connects to your existing database and auto-generates models based on existing schema.

  • Support for multiple connections.
  • Support for auto-completion via magic properties (phpdoc).
  • Support for custom methods (preserved lines).
  • Support for guarded fields.
  • Support for custom "extends".
  • Support for extra field-attributes after magic properties.
  • Support for building constants in model.
  • Support for custom "indent".
  • Support for preserving $timestamps value.
  • Support for column of type "enum" (mapped to string).

Note: Generating a model that already exists will overwrite existing model, but every line below "preserve" identifier, will be preserved.


Run "composer require corex/lmodel --dev".

Add a configuration-file config/corex/lmodel.php and add following code to it. Modify it to suit your needs.

return [
    'path' => base_path('app/Models'),
    'namespace' => 'App\Models',
    'addConnection' => true,
    'extends' => \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model::class,
    'indent' => "\t",
    'length' => 120,
    'const' => [
        '{connection}' => [
            '{table}' => [
                'id' => '{id}',
                'name' => '{name}',
                'prefix' => '{prefix}',
                'suffix' => '{suffix}',
                'replace' => [
                    'XXXX' => 'YYYY',

Note: old config/corex.php is still supported but not recommended.


  • path - where models are saved.
  • namespace - namespace of models.
  • addConnection - true/false if name of database-connection should be applied to namespace/directory. Name will automatically be converted to PascalCase.
  • extends - Class to extend.
  • indent - (optional) String to use as indent i.e. "\t". Default 4 spaces.
  • length - (optional) Length of line before linebreak. Used in tables with many fields.
  • const - (optional) This section is used to specify connections and tables which should contains constants from content of table.
  • {connection} - (optional) Name of connection.
  • {table} - (optional) Name of table.
  • {id} - (required) Name of field to get value of constant.
  • {name} - (required) Name of field to get name of constant.
  • {prefix} - (optional) Prefix to add to each name of constant.
  • {suffix} - (optional) Suffix to add to each name of constant.
  • replace - (optional) Values to replace in name of constant.

To register it and make sure you have this option available for development only, add following code to AppServiceProviders@register method.

if ($this->app->environment() == 'local') {


php artisan help make:models


  • connection: Name of connection to generate models from. It will be added to namespace/path for separation of models per connection. It is possible to disable this by setting addConnection to false. Specify "." to generate from default connection.
  • tables: Comma separated table names to generate. Specify "." to generate all.


  • guarded: Comma separated list of guarded fields.


Generated model from table status with config.


namespace App\Models\Test;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * @property integer $id [TYPE=INTEGER, NULLABLE=0, DEFAULT=""]
 * @property string $name [TYPE=STRING, NULLABLE=0, DEFAULT=""]
 * @property string $value [TYPE=STRING, NULLABLE=0, DEFAULT=""]
class Status extends Model
    // Constants.
    const CONSTANT1 = 1;
    const CONSTANT2 = 2;
    const CONSTANT3 = 3;
    const CONSTANT4 = 4;

    // Attributes.
    public $timestamps = false;
    protected $connection = 'mysql';
    protected $table = 'status';
    protected $fillable = ['id', 'name', 'value'];
    protected $guarded = [];

    /* ---- Everything after this line will be preserved. ---- */

     * Preserve this method.
     * @return string
    public function preserveThisMethod()
        return 'preserved';