ARCANEDEV / LogViewer by arcanedev

Provides a Log Viewer for Laravel
Package Data
Maintainer Username: arcanedev
Maintainer Contact: (ARCANEDEV)
Package Create Date: 2015-09-01
Package Last Update: 2024-07-25
Home Page:
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-08-28 03:01:14
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 5,541,170
Monthly Downloads: 70,654
Daily Downloads: 3,334
Total Stars: 2,362
Total Watchers: 58
Total Forks: 337
Total Open Issues: 17

LogViewer Packagist License For Laravel 5

Travis Status Coverage Status Scrutinizer Code Quality SensioLabs Insight Github Issues

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This package allows you to manage and keep track of each one of your log files.

NOTE: You can also use LogViewer as an API.

Official documentation for LogViewer can be found at the _docs folder.

Feel free to check out the releases, license, and contribution guidelines.


  • A great Log viewer API.
  • Laravel 5.0 to 5.8 are supported.
  • Ready to use (Views, Routes, controllers … Out of the box) [Note: No need to publish assets]
  • View, paginate, filter, download and delete logs.
  • Load a custom logs storage path.
  • Localized log levels.
  • Logs menu/tree generator.
  • Grouped logs by dates and levels.
  • Customized log levels icons (font awesome by default).
  • Works great with big logs !!
  • Well documented package (IDE Friendly).
  • Well tested (100% code coverage with maximum code quality).

Table of contents

  1. Installation and Setup
  2. Configuration
  3. Usage
  4. FAQ

Supported localizations

Dear artisans, i'm counting on you to help me out to add more translations ( ^_^)b

| Local | Language | |---------|-----------------------| | ar | Arabic | | bg | Bulgarian | | de | German | | en | English | | es | Spanish | | et | Estonian | | fa | Farsi | | fr | French | | hu | Hungarian | | hy | Armenian | | id | Indonesian | | it | Italian | | ja | Japanese | | ko | Korean | | nl | Dutch | | pl | Polish | | pt-BR | Brazilian Portuguese | | ro | Romanian | | ru | Russian | | sv | Swedish | | th | Thai | | tr | Turkish | | zh | Chinese (Simplified) | | zh-TW | Chinese (Traditional) |


Any ideas are welcome. Feel free to submit any issues or pull requests, please check the contribution guidelines.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



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