alxdorosenco / ecb-currency-rates by AlxDorosenco

This package uses exchange reference rates from European Central Bank
Package Data
Maintainer Username: AlxDorosenco
Maintainer Contact: (Alexei Dorosenco)
Package Create Date: 2021-03-07
Package Last Update: 2024-04-21
Language: PHP
License: MIT
Last Refreshed: 2024-07-21 03:00:53
Package Statistics
Total Downloads: 5,163
Monthly Downloads: 186
Daily Downloads: 1
Total Stars: 1
Total Watchers: 1
Total Forks: 1
Total Open Issues: 1


Currency rate convertor from European Central Bank

Url to the latest rate attributes: Url to the archived rate attributes:


Require this package with Composer

$ composer require alxdorosenco/ecb-rates


Latest rate attributes


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use AlxDorosenco\EcbRates\CurrencyRates;

// Latest rate attributes initialization
$daily = CurrencyRates::daily();

// Exchange 20 EUR to USD
$daily->rate(20, 'EUR', 'USD');

// Exchange 20 EUR to USD - special option
$daily->euroTo(20, 'USD');

// Exchange 20 USD to JPY
$daily->rate(20, 'USD', 'JPY');

History rate attributes


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use AlxDorosenco\EcbRates\CurrencyRates;

$history = CurrencyRates::history(); // History rate attributes initialization

// Get array of the rate attributes to the 2021-02-10 date

// Exchange 20 EUR to USD from the rate attributes to the 2021-02-10 date
$history->findByDate('2021-02-10')->rate(20, 'EUR', 'USD');

// Exchange 20 EUR to USD from the rate attributes to the 2021-02-10 date - special option
$history->findByDate('2021-02-10')->euroTo(20, 'EUR', 'USD');

// Get array of the latest rate attributes

// Exchange 20 EUR to USD from the latest rate attributes
$history->rate(20, 'EUR', 'USD');

// Exchange 20 EUR to USD from the latest rate attributes - special option
$history->rate(20, 'EUR', 'USD')->euroTo(20, 'EUR', 'USD');

All possible currency codes:

  • USD
  • JPY
  • BGN
  • CZK
  • DKK
  • GBP
  • HUF
  • PLN
  • RON
  • SEK
  • CHF
  • ISK
  • NOK
  • HRK
  • RUB
  • TRY
  • AUD
  • BRL
  • CAD
  • CNY
  • HKD
  • IDR
  • ILS
  • INR
  • KRW
  • MXN
  • MYR
  • NZD
  • PHP
  • SGD
  • THB
  • ZAR